I'm an enthusiastic multi-media graphic artist experienced in creating functional and eye-catching outcomes. I am eager to learn more about the projects I design for, allowing me to create meaningful visual communications

With an interest in the cultural and scientific influences on design, and a passion for photography, I have completed projects dealing with space exploration, musical theory, experimental photography, and much more. While I have experience in web development, print design, identity, packaging, and photography, I very much enjoy hands on projects and often work to incorporate uniquely created physical pieces into my outcomes.

Enjoy my work, and if you like what you see feel free to contact me for further info!

2013 Communicator Awards

AIGA Vermont

Locality, VT
Branding, Campaign Design, Web Design

Locality VT is the result of a semester long thesis project at Champlain College. It is a database of information consisting of the sourcing, pricing, relative healthiness, and environmental and economic impacts of the foods one considers purchasing. Locality compares these factors across all grocery stores within the Burlington, VT region, providing a map of the local area, showing each location to where it is possible to purchase the desired food item, and what types of products they sell. The application effectively informs its users of the affects their food purchase decisions have on themselves and their environment.